Confessions of a HEALTHOCRITE

One of the hazards I face by getting preachy about “Perfect Health” is revealing myself to be a bit of a hypoctite — or “healthocrite” as someone cleverly coined on the website “Small Bites.”

My rationale has been that by learning and reporting the behavior that creates “perfect” health that I would continually be moving closer and closer to that condition.

Additionally, I rationalized that I was doing “better than most people,” therefore I was “okay.”

To some degree that is, and has been true.

But “okay” health is a long, long way from “perfect” health.

Now, in my 76th year of life in this form, the okay-ness is proving to be less than okay.

… that extra piece of pork rib and the occasional heaping teaspoon of ice cream that tilted the 80/20 alkaline to acid ratio in the direction of acidosis …

… that second cup of coffee, even though it had Ganoderma spore powder, rather than an additional glass of water …

… that “need to get it done” at my computer rather than going for a brisk walk in the fresh air that day …

… that “All you can eat” conundrum where the value of getting more for your money becomes more important than excellent health …

… add your favorites here …

“Okay” rather than excellence ends up costing far, far more than choosing to eat less at a buffet, regardless of the price.

“Okay” means that we join the “old people” who groan when they sit down, and again when they stand up–for good reason.

“Okay” means that our mind gets sluggish, our balance a bit off, our strength diminishes, our immune system retarded, our appearance wrinkled and crusty …

You and I have the advantage of still being alive.

We still have the choices to do the best that we know, then learn more and more about how to be better and better, happier and happier, healthier and healthier, wiser and wiser every day.

The wisdom is there, accessible to us all.

The choice is ours …
… what will we do with it?

I have re-committed to better, happier, healthier and wiser over being a healthocrite.

Care to join me? You are cordially invited.


P.S. Add to the list of choices that result in less than perfect health for you, add the ideal alternative and send your list to me by e-mail. I’ll add them to this post …

One Comment

  1. From reader D. F.:
    “Here are a few for your list.

    >> Some mornings, turning over for a delicious helping of snooze, instead of – Getting up and doing our Yoga session with lots of stretching and welcoming of the new day.

    ​ ​>> Or, taking 15 minutes to quiet the mind in meditation, listening for inspiration.

    ​ ​>> Not drinking a glass of water (better with lemon juice added) – before my first cup of coffee and plenty of water throughout the day.

    ​ ​>> Not taking a little more time for a healthy breakfast. We like to make a veggie scram which includes spinach, kale, onion, zucchini and any other stray veggie​ or bean that​ we might find with or without eggs.

    ​ ​>> Driving to the post office instead of walking and breathing more fresh air.

    ​ >> ​Watching too much TV or other media, rather than getting involved with a creative project or reading a book or magazine.

    ​ ​>> Staying up late again​,​ watching the boob tube​,​ instead of retiring at a reasonable hour to have enough sleep to repair and re-energize our bodies.

    ​ ​>> Letting negative thoughts ​linger, instead of – Appreciating our lives and blessings…always looking for the best in ourselves and others.

    Thanks again for the reminder that we are all on our journey to perfect health…accepting where we are now, and moving always in a healthy direction.”

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