Top 5 Simple Natural Health Tips

The Top Five Simple Natural Health Tips

(In general. The top five for some people will be different.)

  1. Drink enough clean water every day. 
    1 oz. of clean water for every 2 lbs of your body weight is considered minimum for most people.
    (1/32 of your body weight each day, if you weigh in metric units.)
    This is in addition to (or, exclusion of) all other beverages, including coffee and tea.
    If your water is not clean, add a good water filter.
  2. Eat with preference for alkalinizing foods. 80% alkalinizing, 20% acidifying.
    All animal products (meat, chicken, fish, dairy), grains, seeds, nuts and legumes are acidifying.
    Print out and refer to the Alkaline/Acid Foods Chart at
  3. Be grateful that life is as good as it is, no matter what it is.
    Do what you know to do to make life better. Not doing so will usually make it much worse.
    Learn all that you can learn about how to make it better.
  4. Breathe.
    Inhale deeply. Exhale deeply
    If the air where you are is polluted, add an air filter.
  5. Relax.
    Learn and employ a deep relaxation technique.
    Take a walk. 30 minutes per day spent walking for no other reason than to be walking has proven to be the most productive part of many people’s day.

You can learn about these and many other life-enhancing practices through and

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