“Aside from just avoiding GMOs and Roundup, how else do I heal from their damaging effects?”

A friend and member of “Simple Natural Health Tips” forwarded the following invitation from Jeffrey Smith, author of “Seeds of Change.” I immediately signed up for the free classes. You may wish to do the same …

“Dear Friend,

I’ve been waiting for years to be able to share with you the answer to one of the most often asked questions I receive:  “Aside from just avoiding GMOs and Roundup, how else do I heal from their damaging effects?”  And now I can.  Learn more. 

After I presented the health dangers of GMOs and Roundup at numerous medical conferences, practitioners started prescribing non-GMO organic diets to their patients and saw great results.  But some doctors and scientists went further; they tested protocols and products to specifically counteract the damage linked to a GMO diet.

I am now delighted to be able to share findings from the most successful of these pioneers.  This six-part series reveals what practitioners and researchers have discovered about how our health is being destroyed, and what we can do to reverse the damage from the GMOs and toxic pesticides that have been poisoning our environment and food supply.

Go here to learn more and to register for free. 

You will learn directly from the experts about research and clinical experience, including:

>  How test subjects reduced glyphosate by an astonishing 74% (without changing their diet!).

>  How to help your body detoxify and function more optimally by quickly breaking down the poisonous insecticide (Bt toxin) produced in genetically-engineered corn.

>  How to counter leaky gut that glyphosate and Bt toxin may have created, and the gluten and other food sensitivities that go along with that.

>  How to improve your body’s immune function, digestion, and detoxification process by fostering beneficial bacteria, reversing damage done to your microbiome.

I also asked Carey Gillam, the leading investigative reporter on Monsanto for over a decade, to share with us about her new research to help us deepen our understanding of just how important it is for each of us to take control over our health and food.

The series is free, and I hope you will both register and encourage your friends and family to join in as well. The information shared will be another game-changer for us all, as it has been for me.  It starts soon, on November 29th.

Register here today.

Safe Eating,


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