Chapter 3: Alkaline/Acid Balance (pH)

Chapter Three: Alkaline/Acid Balance (pH)


Optimum health occurs at a alkaline/acid ratio that is approximately equal to 80/20. (80% alkaline, 20% acid) This can also be expressed as four to one (4/1)

Most, if not all, diseases are not able to survive in an alkaline environment. Healing is supported by and reliant upon an alkaline environment.

Increasing the level of acidity above 20% sets up many disease conditions, adds tremendous stress to the body as it attempts to compensate for the imbalance, and slows or stops the body’s ability to rebuild and repair damage.

Certain foods (see chart at the bottom of this page), all physical exercise and all negative thoughts have an acidifying effect on our bodies. Joyful, happy, positive emotional responses are alkalizing. Negative emotional responses such as anger, frustration, resentment, jealousy, etc. are acidifying.

The body has the ability to store some alkalinity to be utilized during periods of greater need than the incoming supply can provide. Most people, however, have depleted their reserves through eating acid-producing foods, sustained negative thinking and excessive exercise. These people are either already in, or are rapidly approaching, a significant disease condition.



The solutions are to support your alkaline balance and reserves through feelings of gratitude, positive emotional responses, positive, expectant thinking, and eating at least 80% alkalizing foods. (See the “Alkaline Ash / Acid Ash Foods Chart” on the page following this chapter.)

You may recall from chemistry class that pH is a very strange reverse logarithmic scale which very few people understand. Fortunately, as a point of health, all you really need to remember about it is:

  • the lower the pH number, the more acidic it is. Zero is pure acid.
  • the higher the pH number, the more alkaline it is. Fourteen is pure alkaline.
  • pH 7.0 is a neutral balance of acidity and alkalinity; neither exceeding the other.

The effective alkalinity or acidity of a food is not as it stands whole and raw, but of the resultant ash following digestion. For example, a lemon is obviously acidic, yet the digested ash has an alkalizing factor of +24.

You will note that the Alkaline / Acid Foods chart is divided into a green section and a red section. Foods listed in the green section add to your alkaline reserves. Foods listed in the red section deplete them. The number that follows indicates how effective the specified amount of each food is at either adding to or depleting the alkaline reserves.

As an example, 4 cups of raw spinach (+556), which is roughly the amount I stuff the VitaMix with for a green smoothie, is one hundred and eleven times more alkalizing than eating an apple (+5). Consuming that much raw spinach enables us to also consume 2 eggs (-9). Two slices of bacon (-10), a quarter pound of corned beef (-80) and (not at the same time—see food combining chart in the next chapter) ten English walnuts (-10) and 5/8 cup of brown rice (-29) and still be adding to our alkaline reserves.


The Math:

80/20 = 4 to 1 ratio

Four cups raw spinach at +556 will therefore balance (-139) acid-ash food (556 / 4)

Two eggs (-9). Two slices of bacon (-10), a quarter pound of corned beef (-80), ten English walnuts (-10) and 5/8 cup of brown rice (-29) equals (-138)


Can you become too alkaline?

Yes, that is possible—but with the typical American diet, It is highly unlikely to ever be a problem.

This is a critical area of natural health and longevity which bears more study than is provided in this e-book. The best source of information that we know of regarding this subject is the great book

“Your Health, Your Choice” by M. Ted Morter

Alkaline-Acid Foods Chart

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