
How to get the best of Dr. Regan Golob’s famous Natural Health knowledge, condensing over 4,000 years of Natural Health Wisdom – offered to you each week in simple, brief, easy-to-use Tips–all for FREE.

[BONUS: Now also get free access to the unpublished work-in-progress book titled “How To Restore Your Youngness” 

Bruce Wesley Chenoweth
Hi, I am Bruce Wesley Chenoweth, a 74 year old retired Engineer and Forensic Scientist. Now I research and write about health–from ancient wisdom to current discoveries–to understand what makes it better, and what makes it worse.

I rely heavily on the advice of my good friend, the brilliant Dr. Regan Golob, to determine what knowledge is most needed in these highly toxic and stress-filled times.

Each week we send out brief, simple natural health tips you can use to raise your health up to astonishing levels.

NOTE: If you already know that you want to get these free natural health tips, just go ahead and put your delivery information in those boxes to the right to save time and get it now.

Or, if you’d like more information first, continue reading below …

join simple natural health tips

So, is your health already amazing, and noticeably improving every day?

If it is, then kudos to you! You are atypical in that you apparently already know most of the tips we share, and quite possibly more. We’d welcome you to the list in an advisory capacity.

However, if you are typical, then no–it isn’t. Most people are in a constant state of decline. Unfortunately, typical people expect this, and rarely take steps to change it. They are basing their expectations on their observations of other typical people.

But, who wants to be ‘typical’? You can shatter that mold and begin reversing whatever ills you this very day–and each day hereafter by applying what you learn in less than 5 minutes from the simple natural health tips you receive.


“Be certain to drink at least 1 oz. of clean water for every 2 lbs. of your body weight each day. Your body and your mind cannot function properly while even slightly dehydrated. (If you feel even slightly thirsty, you have already been dehydrated for some time.)

Do not assume that you can substitute coffee, tea or soda beverages for clean water. In fact, if you do drink those, drink an additional 2 oz. of clean water for each ounce of other beverages as soon after drinking them as possible. (i.e. if you drink a 12 oz. can of pop, immediately chase it with an additional 24 oz. clean water.

REFERENCE FOR MORE INFORMATION: “Your Bodies Many Cries for Water”

Want some proof?

Dr. Regan Golob is NOW the absolute healthiest person I have ever met! (But, this wasn’t always so.)

Dr. Regan Golob

Dr. Regan Golob

Forget the old adage “Those who can, do — those who can’t, teach”!

The better choice is to learn from a Master who walks the walk and personally demonstrates that what is being offered is absolutely true. This is especially true when the Master faced extremely difficult struggles to even be alive today.

Regan’s passion for understanding health began in his youth. His own life and freedom were threatened by two degenerative, supposedly “incurable,” spinal diseases.

Three medical specialists concurred that Regan was fated for a short life of constant pain and wheelchair confinement, resulting in certain death in his late teens or early 20’s.

Since “modern medicine” had nothing to offer, Regan’s father decided to follow the more promising advice of the Natural Health Practitioners. As a result, Dr. Golob not only completely recovered from that diagnostic death sentence, he has gone on to become the absolute healthiest person I have ever met.

Although he is very busy with teaching commitments all around the world, Dr. Golob generously donates his free time to pass on what he knows to friends. He is always quick to provide simple, direct answers to my questions.

Sharing his and other natural health tips with others helps embed them in my mind so that they are right there, ready to be recalled and applied when needed. As you are learning them, I highly recommend that you do the same.

Here are just a few of my favorite tip subjects:

  • How to become immune to all disease through food choices and healthy thinking.
  • What yummy things to add to your smoothies that quickly build your alkaline reserves.
  • Why building your alkaline reserves is so critical to good health and survival.
  • The root vegetable that supercharges your ability to quickly recover and heal.
  • How to utilize free, natural things that surround you to improve your health.
  • How to quickly know if something is good for you, just okay for you, or will cause you harm.
  • Our bodies must have sugars and fats, but which ones are good for you? (SPOILER ALERT: Most of what you have heard is untrue.)
  • Why people, especially women, crave chocolate, and which is the kind that they should eat plenty of,

This isn’t a casual endeavor for me. My own life depends on it.

When I was young I thought I was bulletproof, like Superman. I jumped off cliffs, fell out of trees and drove like a lunatic on narrow logging roads carved into the sides of steep mountains.

I even volunteered to remain on Amchitka Island during the detonation of a 108 kiloton nuclear bomb that was only 6 miles away. (How else can you ‘surf’ 30 foot ground swells as buildings are collapsing around you?)

The first real evidence that I wasn’t actually bulletproof came in the form of a ricochet (fired from my own gun) that sunk into my chest. Oops!

My vulnerability was further emphasized when a Jeep flipped over, throwing me out, then landed on my chest. Broken ribs, collapsed lungs, crushed heart and a month in the hospital provided irrefutable evidence that I was definitely not Superman.


“How does it LOOK LIKE I feel?”

But, comparatively, that was all just good, clean fun. It was the 23 years of smoking, poor eating choices and years of work-related exposure to cancer-causing chemicals, radiation and arsenic poisoning that really got to me …

… the resulting lymphoma was what finally snagged my attention!

Medical science doesn’t offer a cure for lymphoma–just “treatments.” The track record of these treatments doesn’t offer much hope, other than to extend pain and suffering a while longer.

Notably, many people do recover completely from lymphoma and all the other deadly diseases naturally, without drugs, chemotherapy, radiation or surgeries.

You know about them–the “miracle” recoveries, or the “sorry, we must have mis-diagnosed you” stories that are tossed out to preserve belief in their medical disease-management system.

The real difference is that these people have learned how to support the natural structures and functions of their bodies, and they applied that knowledge.

It’s simple: Fully supported bodies heal on their own.

The good news is that there is an ocean of natural health knowledge for supporting the body. It dates back over 4,000 years from the ancient texts of Traditional Chinese Medicine, hieroglyphs of the ancient Egyptians and great sages like Hippocrates.

Dr. Regan Golob has been a life-long student of these natural health sciences. His deep knowledge allowed me to not only survive lymphoma, but to consistently improve my health for the 20+ years since.

The exact same results can be yours simply by learning and applying that which supports nature.

So, in my opinion, the way to get the best of Dr. Regan Golob’s advice, condensing over 4,000 years of Natural Health Wisdom  is to put yourself on the subscription list. It’s free, and AWeber assures your e-mail privacy.

To begin receiving simple, natural health tips, just follow these simple steps:

  • Enter your full name (or, just your first or nickname if you prefer).
  • Use your best e-mail so you are certain to receive the TIPS.
  • Click or tap the “Get it” button.

  • Now go to your inbox. An e-mail should be waiting for you to confirm that the subscription request was submitted by you .
  • Immediately after you confirm, your bonus book link will be e-mailed to you.
  • You will soon begin receiving at least two TIPS each week by e-mail. (More, if we find the time.)

And, as if that were not enough …

Bonus #1:

The “Welcome” e-mail will provide you with the secret link to an unpublished work-in-progress book titled “How To Restore Your Youngness” to get you off to a fast start at super-charging your health.

Bonus #2:

Subscribers occasionally receive unadvertised discounts and free shipping offers from

Bonus #3:

Subscribers are provided an e-mail  for submitting any and all questions and requests. Let us know how Dr. Golob or I can help you achieve your health goals–naturally.


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